Creative ideas around turtles theme. Turtles fascinate everyone. Although they are one of the oldest organisms of our oceans and have managed to overcome several climatic crises in the past... they are in danger today... overexploitation of the environment, overfishing and pollution are real dangers for the oceans and their inhabitants.
We can make children aware of this by reading, explaining and creating.
Shellfish turtle
Do you live close to the ocean? Are you going on vacation close to the sea? Or even have you ordering a seafood plat for dinner?
Collect, rinse and preserve few shellfish - you will manage to do something with ;-)
Details (materials et step-by-step): here
Turtle with sea treasures
Modelling clay is a real pleasure for children. Creating shapes and characters helps to develop fine motor skills as well as observation skills.
The turtle is a simple shape to start modelling with children.
The advantage of this activity is that children can decorate the turtle as they wish, adding shellfish (like ours) or other objects, or simply painting it.
Details (materials et step-by-step): here
The +: an non-definitive version using play-doh. It's easier to use and model for the youngest children (1-3 years), but the concept remains the same.
The plastic turtle
Plastics cause a lot of damage to our planet and its oceans. To discuss this point with Minus (close to 5y old), we used the bottom of a plastic bottle and turned it into a turtle shell.
We can obtain a stained glass effect by preserving the bottle's transparency and covering it with tissue paper.
Details (materials et step-by-step): here